Monday, May 20, 2013

Day Four - Traditions and Cast Privileges

Sorry it's taken me so long to post!! Been a busy guy.

So Thursday was my Traditions class. Traditions is where they teach you all about the Disney Legacy, history, the Disney mantra... etc. It was essentially a large lecture, but Mickey come and made a visit to drop off all our NAMETAGS, and we got out Park ID meaning we could now enter any of the four theme parks, FREE!! Cast privileges  yo!

All of this took place at Disney University, a building dedicated to training new Cast Members. Disney U is essentially behind the Magic Kingdom. During this class we did get to bus to the back of Magic Kingdom and tour it briefly, below and on top. Yes I said below. What?! You didn't know that below the Magic Kingdom there is essentially an entire world of tunnels and passages? When Walt Disney built Disneyland, he had one issues.. Cast Members sometimes had to cross through lands they weren't meant to be in (due to theme issues with costumes) as it is a smaller park, with no other way to get to those lands. When he designed the Magic Kingdom, he designed it so all Cast Members could appear in their proper and designated lands, without being seen by Guests. Thus, the utilidors were born. Tunnels beneath the Kingdom. It's a crazy world down there.. And sorry, no photos allowed.


So after our class ended, a bunch of us changed out of our nice business attire and booked it to the Magic Kingdom, I mean.. why not?! We had access now, and it was SOOOO close!

We finally got to enter the parks, by ourselves, with our ID, for free! It was so very exciting. My new Canadian Friends and I rode many rides, and saw the fireworks...

But the really exciting part of this visit to the Magic Kingdom was seeing the Electrical Parade by accident! This is the original Main Street Electrical Parade from Disneyland in California, the one many grew up with. I never thought i'd see it in person.. I remember seeing commercials for it as a kid and wanting to see it.. Well Magic Kingdom is currently borrowing this parade, and I get to benefit from it! Was so fun! Especially when the last float broke down in front of us!

The float that broke down.

gorgeous night time shot.

The best part of being in the Park after closing... is less people in photos!

Well that should do it for now! I'll post about my weekend shortly. Friday was spent at Blizzard Beach and Disney Hollywood Studios. Saturday and Sunday were some TRAINING DAYS!

Until next time,

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